This year is the 30th anniversary of the exercise video. In 1982 film star Jane Fonda released a video called the Jane Fonda Workout. It was a smash hit and it had all sorts of people up and down the land following Janeֳ instructions and moving their bodies.
Building a timetable to fitness
Your exercise plan will depend on how fit you are at the moment. Obviously if you are completely unfit you will not be able to do the same exercises as someone in better shape.
Great exercise excuses
It is a truth universally acknowledged that there is always a greater reason not to do a given task than to do it. This is because it is easier to do nothing than to do something.
More workout mistakes
When we do exercise we feel so virtuous that we donִ think that we might be doing something wrong. The body is moving, it is sweating and you are jogging despite needing to wear a ligament knee support…
Five Exercise Tips That Donִ’t Work
The Olympics has inspired a lot of people to get off their sofas, take off their slippers and put some running shoes on instead. People are hitting the gyms, the swimming pools and joining the sports clubs because the games has galvanised a nation.
Five Instances when Exercise is Very Bad
Exercise is good. We all know that to get fit and to stay fit we have to get our sack of bones moving. If we donִ move our bodies on a regular basis we risk obesity, diabetes and heart problems.
A Few Strange Fitness Facts You Need To Know
The human body is both strange and beautiful. You heart will beat over one hundred thousand times today. It also creates enough pressure whilst pumping blood around your body to squirt blood thirty feet.
A Pandemic of Inactivity
The medical publication The Lancet this week published a number of shocking statistics about how inactive we have become as a nation.
One in three adults is not doing enough physical activity leading to over 5 million deaths a year. They say that being lazy is as dangerous for your body as smoking and obesity.
Why Some People Can Eat Anything They Want and Stay Slim
Roger drinks a lot of beer, he eats the wrong food and does not exercise and yet he is as thin as the proverbial rake. Why should this be?
Read moreWhy Some People Can Eat Anything They Want and Stay Slim