• Introduction to Kettlebells | PhysioRoom.com

    Aptly named due to its similarity in appearance to some sort of old-school cast iron kettle, the kettlebell is a workout tool that can trace its roots all the way back to 18th century Russia and the circus strongmen that used them. Fast forward a few hundred years and you will have definitely happened across … Read more

    10 Simple Dumbbell Exercises for Beginners

    We’ve all been there… You’re sat at home watching tv, the orange dust of the bag of wotsits you’re chomping on stains your fingers, when an advertisement flashes on to the screen with ripped bodies and PULSATING pieces of raw flesh, and you think “yeah…yeah I fancy a bit of that!” so you lick your … Read more

    What is Suspension Training?

    Suspension trainers have become a gym floor mainstay over recent times, claiming to assist in the sculpting of functionally sound muscle and for creating an environment in which one can learn difficult-to-achieve exercises. Building muscle with merely two over-sized elastic bands? Surely not. Yet over a decade after it was unleashed on the fitness community, ... Read more

    How to Kick Start Your Fitness Routine

    It is the time of year of fitness fads that last till February if you are lucky. That resolution you made upon opening your over partied eyes on Jan 1st is possibly fading fast. I am going to get fit you told yourself as you stood on the scales and stared down in horror at the result.

    Read moreHow to Kick Start Your Fitness Routine