• How to Start Long Distance Running

    Each year, the London Marathon, the Manchester marathon, and other running events get people across the UK inspired to take up running. With the 2024 Olympics kicking off soon too, this trend is likely to continue this year. Knowing where to start or how to get into running can be difficult for some, but fear … Read more

    Top 5 Most Common Running Injuries

    The beauty of running is in the simplicity. You just move your legs, you don’t really need much else, at least to begin with. But as you progress, running injuries may start to become a problem and you may want to protect yourself from harm. Running is one of the most popular forms of sporting … Read more

    Top 10 Running Injuries and How to Treat Them: Part 1

    The first part of our guide to – in no particular order – the top 10 running injuries, including advice on how to recover and product suggestions to aid your rehabilitation. Part Two is here. PLANTAR FASCIITIS Refers to inflammation of the plantar fascia, a fibrous sheath which runs along most of the length of … Read more

    Why Foam Rollers Should Be A Part of Your Training

    American marathon runner Dan Lyne examines the benefits of foam rollers as well as the risks, and highlights four key areas of the body to roll. Injury avoidance during marathon training is one of the top challenges for most runners. Strength training, stretching, diet, sleep and proper footwear are the most common ways to stay … Read more

    Seven tips to prepare for a marathon

    With both the Manchester and the London marathons coming up next month,˷e consulted Runner’s World to put together˯ur top seven preparation tips to get the best out of your training routine. Set achievable goals If youֲe a marathon newbie, approach it sensibly. The last thing you want to do is aim too highly and risk … Read more

    20 Reasons ‘NOT’ To Run A Marathon

    Yeah, we know that charity is a good thing and running a marathon, whether it is for personal glory or for a great cause, is an admirable achievement. Anybody that can run for 26.2 miles has my respect, and anyone that does it dressed as the Incredible Hulk or in some excruciatingly uncomfortable Rhino costume … Read more

    Team Emotional @ PhysioRoom.com

    So then here we are again, 3 weeks since my last post but, am I 3 weeks fitter?? Hmmmmɠhard to say, but I doubt it ɠYou see, I֭ like a classic car in a way, wrapped up from the cold throughout the winter, stored in a nice warm protective environment scared to leave in case the best of the British weather chips away at my elegantly defined paint work and clogs my engine with the gritty remnants of an ice cold winter to forget. My knees hurt, my lips practically fall to bits and the whole experience is unpleasant to say the least. However, the tide is a turning and with it comes a new dawn, a new found surge of energy and enthusiasm; and like my faithful Red Jaguar 1971 E Type, I֭ out of the blocks spitting and spluttering along. Slowly but surely I֭ dragging my body kicking and screaming out of the doldrums into an athleteֳ world.

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    Treating the Most Common Sports Injury: A Sprained Ankle

    Although I celebrated my 60th birthday in 2010, I am still active and competitive, these days concentrating mainly on running and cycling. To mark my birthday, I completed three big challenges:

      • Ran the Pendle Way, a local long-distance footpath (43 miles) in 9 hours;
      • Completed the Joss Naylor Lakeland Challenge (47 miles) in 14 hours;
      • Cycled from Coniston to Interlaken (1,000 miles in 10 days) to take part in the Jungfrau Marathon, which I completed in 4hours 11 minutes.

        Read moreTreating the Most Common Sports Injury: A Sprained Ankle