Unwanted items can be returned up to 14 days following delivery ensuring that they are unused and in their original packaging. Please see our Terms and Conditions for full information about our returns policy. Simply complete the returns card on the back of your picking ticket detailing the reason for your return. Please do not send back products without contacting us in advance and getting a returns approval and the delivery address. We use a third-party logistics warehouse (our returns address is not the same as our office address). It is recommended that all returns are sent back tracked and insured to ensure their safe return. There are many carrier and delivery networks that offer this service.
We are sorry to hear that you have a faulty product, we often find that speaking to our customer services team is the best option. Please contact us or email us at [email protected]. Why not chat with one of our advisors online? It’s quick and often the method many of our customers prefer.
Don’t worry, we want to make sure that you get exactly what you need. Unwanted items can be returned up to 14 days following delivery ensuring that they are unused and in their original packaging. Please see our Terms and Conditions for full information about our returns policy.
We aim to resolve all problems first time. If you have any concerns please contact us or email us at [email protected]. Why not chat with one of our advisors online? It’s quick and often the method many of our customers prefer.
Your return will be processed and refunded within 5 working days from receipt into the returns department and if it complies with our terms and conditions. This may be longer if the return has been sent to an address that is different from our return address or if the information on the returns card is incomplete. Please see our Terms and Conditions for more information.
Useful information on how to use your products can be found on the product listings.
Unfortunately, we do not have access to a collection service. If we have agreed to cover the cost of the return, please send a copy of the receipt and we will reimburse you up to the value of £10.00.
If you complete returns form indicating that you require a different size. When your item has been received back, a member of the team will be in touch to take exchange postage for the new size to be sent out.