Running is a fantastic activity to get involved in, not only is it fantastic all round physical exercise but it is also rewarding emotionally.
It seems likely that running was the original form of human exercise back on the African plains. Humans have evolved to be such good runners that even today, many African tribesmen can outrun animals such as Antelope and Zebra.
This ability comes not from our short term running speeds as an antelope can run at speeds reaching 72 KM/h. Rather it is from our endurance, stamina and temperature regulation that enables humans to be such effective runners able to chase down an animal such as an Antelope until it collapses over from exhaustion.
However, this fantastic human ability literally takes a lifetime of running and constant athletic ability to develop, something most of us in the 21st century could only dream of (or have nightmares about, depending on your feelings toward exercise).
This means that somebody who wants to get involved in running again must take certain precautions to avoid an injury.
Perhaps the most important thing to be aware of is what is between you and the ground. This means to be aware of the extra strain running on concrete puts on a personֳ knees. This can be reduced by the use of shock absorbers, however it is always a good idea to run on grass and natural ground as much as possible.
Secondly, itֳ important that people do not increase their weekly running distance by too much too quick A good rule of thumb is to aim to increase running distance by 10% every two weeks. This gives the human body time to adjust with the physical strain of running alongside the increased enjoyment a novice is likely to get out of the activity.
Most of all though, itֳ important to enjoy the activity, explore new paths and not be afraid to push yourself whilst being aware of physical limitations.