So then here we are again, 3 weeks since my last post but, am I 3 weeks fitter?? Hmmmmɠhard to say, but I doubt it ɠYou see, I֭ like a classic car in a way, wrapped up from the cold throughout the winter, stored in a nice warm protective environment scared to leave in case the best of the British weather chips away at my elegantly defined paint work and clogs my engine with the gritty remnants of an ice cold winter to forget. My knees hurt, my lips practically fall to bits and the whole experience is unpleasant to say the least. However, the tide is a turning and with it comes a new dawn, a new found surge of energy and enthusiasm; and like my faithful Red Jaguar 1971 E Type, I֭ out of the blocks spitting and spluttering along. Slowly but surely I֭ dragging my body kicking and screaming out of the doldrums into an athleteֳ world.
Team Emotional @ is here to stay and, to announce our arrival in style, another member and I are planning on partaking in at least 13 different events over the next 13 months – all in the name of charity. Beginning in May our quest will start with the Edinburgh Marathon, ending once again at Scotlandֳ largest mass participation event for 2012. In between, we plan to complete a number of races, ranging from Adventure to Triathlon, to plain olde boring Road Running .. !!
I hope my blog will help focus my training and offer the necessary motivation in order to get through the following months, any advice/tips/hints all gladly received!! I intend to use every possible resource at my disposal, to track monitor and plot my way around these events and hopefully live to tell the tale. From the ultra-high tech Apps I have downloaded to my mobile phone, to following the tried and tested methods of yester year – everything from diet and nutrition, to training, motivation techniques, equipment and kit, to sleep and optimal training times ɮ All really sound and interesting areas to cover; just hope I can keep focussed on the job in hand and make this a worth while exercise.
From now my recordings shall remain clearly defined: one the ramblings of an overworked, under trained, soon-to-be-honed athlete and the other a blog linked specifically to Team Emotional @ This should include ideas on a possible race calendar, confirmation of agreed pursuits and the low-down on pre/post race exploits.
Author: Ben Dinnery