Following on from a pretty hectic couple of days I thought I֤ provide a quick overview of this weeksՠkey injury talking points taken from the build-up to tomorrows Premier League kick-off.
fantasy football
2013/14 Premier League Review
For some the disappointment will live on, while others are still basking in the glory of another successful campaign but for the majority this weekend will provide the ideal opportunity to start afresh with renewed vigour, blind-abandonment and unabated enthusiasm. It can only mean one thing Рthe new 2013/14 Premier League is upon us and this year we֬l be providing a quick overview of all the keyˣlose-season developments with the help of our friends across @fantasyYirma. All Star League РWeek Four
As the old saying goes չou donִ know what youֶe got until you lose it!ՠand that was certainly the case during the International Break, with the 2012/13 EPL campaign still in its infancy my Fantasy Football tinkering is already an integral part of my weekend!ʠCould this early season sojour provide the opportunity to re-evaluate the squad and allow me the necessary changes to take me back where I belong? Well, in short NOɠ All Star Fantasy Football League Week One
At the time of writing precisely five minutes before Monday night football I quickly gather my thoughts and compose myself considering what can only be described as one Hell of a welcome back to the EPL.
Read All Star Fantasy Football League Week One All Star Fantasy Football League
This season will be launching an All Star Fantasy Football League in recognition of their forthcoming union with The Telegraph, in which they will provide injury data analysis. The PhysioRoom All Star Fantasy Football League features a number of high profile entrants including Adam Richman from Man V. Food, head coach of San Diego Flash Warren Barton and comedian Mick Ferry.
Scott Dann’s Ruptured Testicle – Ouch!
Steve Kean watched with dismay as his Blackburn side were beaten and the realisation that the Lancashire team could be starting the New Year stuck deep within the relegation mire began to sink in.
PhysioRoom Loves LadyArse!
We’ve spotted a brilliant example of a website utilising our Premier League Injury Table. Introducing LadyArse, who have made excellent use of our table to make their own injury league feature.
The PhysioRoom Injury Table
The PhysioRoom English Premier League Injury Table is a fantastic resource for footy fans, especially those with their own Fantasy Football team or anyone looking to make a smart bet at the weekend. Updated daily with the latest stats and analysis on player injuries it provides clear and detailed information to the reader.
The Rooney Factor
The big injury news this week was Wayne Rooneyֳ hamstring injury which he picked up in training on Friday.ʠHeֳ been by far and away the biggest point-scoring player so far with 59 points from five games.ʠThe big factor this week is how would the Fantasy teams with Rooney in cope with his loss? Could the teams without him gain some ground?ʠFor this Fantasy footballer it was a resounding no (more on my miserable week later).’s Injury Table Scores Another Vote of Confidence
With a rapidly growing fanbase on Twitter and Facebook, it’s clear the Premier League Injuries Table is proving popular. And, with a recent mention in the Mirror Football section, we’re truly beginning to realise just how seriously people take Fantasy Football.
Read’s Injury Table Scores Another Vote of Confidence