What is Proprioception?
Back when famous philosopher Aristotle first proposed to humanity the five senses, it was meant to give us a clear idea of how we interact with the external world around us. Well, as it turns out, Aristotle was wrong. That’s because human beings possess far more than the rudimentary five we’ve been lead to believe … Read more
The Benefits of Using Swiss Balls
Welcome to the PhysioRoom blog! Today we’re going to gaze lovingly at some balls. No, we’re not watching a video of that marathon runner crossing the line the other week baring all to see, for these balls are swiss! They’re also made of synthetic materials and can have multiple benefits when incorporated in to a … Read more
Wobble Boards and Cushions Explained
Today’s PhysioRoom Blog is going to take a look at wobble cushions and boards. What they are, what they do, and how they can help with injury rehabilitation and even with kids with ADHD Now of course, both wobble boards and cushions both have several benefits, many falling at cross section between the two. But … Read more
NEWS: New Rugby Work-Out Helping to Prevent Injury
There’s been some interesting news coming out of the rugby world of late. With increasing concerns over safety within the sport, experts have been searching for ways to improve or lessen the chances of injury. There may be some good news on the horizon. As a new, specific, 20-minute exercise programme can reduce injuries in … Read more