Well there we have it, another event to chalk off and confine to the memory banks of time! Although somehow I doubt I will be delving back to recount the highlights of a successful run. Am I happy? Hmmmm … Do I wish I could have prepared better? … Definitely ɠWill I ever change? I hope so! You see I֭ not a runner, never have and never will be which suggests I should try even harder to cover all the basic eventualities of a marathon. For all my short falls in the training department I committed some school boy֥sque type errors which; had I prepared a little better would have made the following days of recovery just that little bit more comfortable.
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More Videos Added
As promised, the PhysioRoom.com team has produced six more videos as part of our ongoing ‘how to’ series.
New Women’s Channel
A new Women’s Channel is now live on PhysioRoom.com. It features helpful guides, expert advice and products specifically for women (both teens and adults) concerning sports injuries, fitness aids and healing solutions.
It’s Lights, Camera, Action for PhysioRoomVideo
PhysioRoom.com is thrilled to be launching a new range of ‘how to’ style videos to give you an insightful guide to how some of our most popular products look and operate.