• New Women’s Channel

    A new Women’s Channel is now live on PhysioRoom.com. It features helpful guides, expert advice and products specifically for women (both teens and adults) concerning sports injuries, fitness aids and healing solutions.

    Why a Women’s Channel?

    Asides from the obvious, that women and men have different bodies and therefore different strengths and weaknesses, sports played by women can also pose particular risks of injury, such as Lower Back Stress Fracture, which is common in young women who partake in gymnastics, dance and tennis. In a bid to highlight and respond to such differences between genders, this new category has been launched.

    It is devoted to explaining the various sports injuries which affect women, and how to avoid them. It also showcases the correct healing aids and supports to use, as well as products specific to pregnancy. Included within are fitness aids, case studies and advice – for example the ProCare Maternity Belt, a guide to the Top 5 Women’s Sports Injuries, and much more.

    Having a new category also means that people can find what they are looking for faster!

    What’s in it for me?

    Use the Women’s Channel for guidance on:

    The Women’s Channel is featured as part of the PhysioRoom.com ‘Injury A to Z’ which can be found on our homepage.ʠYou can view it by clicking here.


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