• Why Foam Rollers Should Be A Part of Your Training

    American marathon runner Dan Lyne examines the benefits of foam rollers as well as the risks, and highlights four key areas of the body to roll. Injury avoidance during marathon training is one of the top challenges for most runners. Strength training, stretching, diet, sleep and proper footwear are the most common ways to stay … Read more

    Seven tips to prepare for a marathon

    With both the Manchester and the London marathons coming up next month,˷e consulted Runner’s World to put together˯ur top seven preparation tips to get the best out of your training routine. Set achievable goals If youֲe a marathon newbie, approach it sensibly. The last thing you want to do is aim too highly and risk … Read more

    Three running must-haves for your feet

    Whether youֲe taking part in a marathon or joining your local running group, caring for your feet while youֲe on the move is essential. Sealed tightly in a pair of specialised shoes while supporting your body weight with each step, your feet go through a lot while youֲe running and you canִ afford any sort … Read more

    Social Media Competition Terms and Conditions

    Suspension Trainer: Twitter, 11/05/16 The Suspension Trainerˣan be used at home, in the gym and even outside. It is designed to leverage gravity and your bodyweight, allowing you to perform hundreds of exercises as well as adjust the position of your body to increase or decrease resistance. This competition has been organised by PhysioRoom, on … Read more