Equipment for New Runners
People that run regularly already can be oh-so quick to sing the virtues of how easy it is to start running. It is that easy for them Рtheyֶe already bought all the gear they need, and then some. Of course, you could march out there and start running right now with the exact clothes youֲe wearing.
We certainly wouldn’t recommend such Forest Gump tactics for new runners, but you could do it. Dean Karnazes may have run 30+ miles following a tequila bender, but here at we believe you can have the gain without the pain – if you invest in the right gear.
If thereֳ one thing on this list that should take priority over everything else, itֳ footwear – or lack of? Buying running shoes isnִ particularly exciting, but itֳ an absolutely necessary for new runners who wish to avoid suffering from the thumping impact of the pavement underfoot. Studies have shown that the skeletal system can become subjected to as much as five and half times the body’s weight in down force when running. And that sounds painful. Picking a shoe that is comfortable and matches your running style is key. New runners that naturally land on their forefoot may benefit from low profile barefoot shoes whereas those who strike on their heels or are prone to injury may benefit from supported cushioned shoes.
It might be a somewhat pricey initial investment, but it will help make sure that your early days of running are as pain and complication free as possible.
We֬l spare you the lecture on the importance of water for runners Рdonִ worry. Water loss, however, is a different story entirely. Sweating and water loss varies from person to person, reaching heights of 1 litre (34 ounces) of fluid lost per hour. Thatֳ on a normal day too Рthe loss rate can double on hot or humid days.
Donִ think that means you need to lug around a basic water bottle either,ʼa title=” Home Page” href=”” target=”_blank”> offers a number of hydration packs and solutions that can be carried on the back or waist.
Tracking & Motivational Apps
There are a variety of apps on the various mobile app stores for runners of every skill level. The beauty of these apps is that they not only track where youֶe run, how long youֶe run for, and how many calories youֶe burned off in that session, but they can provide some structure and motivation (be it athletesՠwords of wisdom, or a fully blown game and storyline) during your run too.
Thereֳ almost certainly an app that will appeal to you, and even if you donִ engage with the prominent social aspects of many running apps, you will appreciate being able to quantify your running progress and development.
If you֤ prefer to leave your phone at home during your run, consider the Polar Loop available now at Itֳ a fully-equipped activity tracker wristband with all the mod-cons, and without the price hikes that come with Nike and Jawboneֳ own offerings.
Injury Treatment
Hopefully this last option wonִ be necessary for you, but itֳ worth taking note of the treatment options available if you do encounter difficulties. Blister plasters and knee braces can be invaluable in the early days of running, as the feet get used to being subjected to harder knocks than usual and you wear your new running shoes in. If you do end up with a knee injury, stop running and seek physiotherapy-based solutions, or book an appointment with your GP. They will be able to recommend a recovery program while also suggesting tweaks to your training routine. You֬l be back up andɠI֬l leave it there shall I?