There’s about one month to go until the Great North Swim in Winderemere. So far, I’ve only done pool training. Perhaps it’s time to think about broadening my swimming horizons…
The British Gas Great North Swim is the UK’s biggest outdoor swimming event. I’ll be joined by at least 10,000 swimmers. My aim? To complete the swim in 30 minutes. I last competed in this event two years ago and my time was 34 minutes.
In order to meet my target, I’ve been training two to three times a week at my local pool.
The Great Swim will be commencing on the 17th June 2011 so I’ll be attending my first open water swim at Elton Sailing Club, Elton Reservoir, next Saturday. Brrr chilly!

For this practice run I’ll be in need of a wetsuit and also some Petroleum Jelly – it prevents chafing and friction on the skin which is great as wetsuits can rub, but you might not notice in cold water until itֳ too late.
If you too are taking part in this year’s Great North Swim it would be good to hear from you so be sure to leave a comment below.
For more information on the Great North Swim click here.