I֭ sure the question on the minds of most England fans is, will Wayne Rooney be fit for the trip to Montenegro? England only need one point in Montenegro to guarantee qualification for the Euro 2012 competition, and after Rooneyֳ magnificent start to this yearֳ campaign with Manchester United, hitting the back of the net nine times in the first five games of the new season. Every England fan hopes that he can put on the number 10 shirt on the seventh of October and continue his superlative run of form and score a few for his national side.
He was pulled from Sir Alexֳ squad in the run up to the Premier League fixture with Stoke, and then left out from the Tuesday nightֳ 3-3 Champions League clash against Basel. We are yet to see whether he will feature in the home tie against Norwich on Saturday.
Earlier Sir Alex Ferguson had stated that Wayne Rooneyֳ hamstring injury “isnִ serious” but was unable to confirm when he will be back from this injury. He is later reported to have updated the press on the Rooney situation saying that “he (Wayne Rooney) has done a bit of jogging but that is all”.
Itֳ great news to hear that Wayne Rooney is back on his feet and suggests that he could be back soon. But rushing back from a hamstring injury is a certain no-no. Getting back in to a match situation too soon doesnִ give the muscle time to properly heal, which leaves the muscle weaker than it was before and the injury can all too easily become a reoccurring issue.
Rooney is not the only Premier League player currently on the side lines with a hamstring injury, Gervinho, Emile Heskey, Michel Salgado, Glen Johnson and Kenwyne Jones are all currently recovering from hamstring injuries.
Such is the nature of hamstring injuries, the recovery time for hamstring tears and strains can vary from a few days to several months depending on the severity of the injury and how long it goes untreated.
Why is this type of injury common among amateur and professional sportsmen and women?
The Hamstring is different from most other muscles in that it passes over two joints, the hip and the knee. It is most likely to become injured when it is at or approaching full stretch, with the hip bent and the knee fully straightened. This scenario is most common whilst sprinting, as you throw your lower leg forward, your hamstring works hard to slow it down, your knee straightens in mid-air and just before your foot makes contact again with the floor, the hamstring is at full stretch, this is the point at which your hamstring can էoծ
If your hamstring does էoՠa sharp pain will be felt in the hamstring when straightening the knee and running or even walking will be painful or impossible.
Immediately you should adopt the RICE protocol, Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. ˉce should never be applied directly to the skin, so a PhysioRoom Ice Bag could be used or a better recovery tool would be the Cryo Cuff and Cooler which can keep the area cold for 90 minutes. If the muscle has ruptured the pain would be unbearable and medical assistance would be required, otherwise a period of rest accompanied by some light physiotherapy sessions will allow the muscle to recover.
For more information on Hamstring Injuries, take a look at our specialist injury section where you can get recovery advice from professionals and keep up to date with the latest Premiership Injuries.
Written by Gary Dixon