I have never been a great physical specimen. Girl acquaintances of mine talk about the film 300 not in terms of plot but in terms of naked flesh. If I were to take my shirt off I am sure that my abdominal region would not get the gasps that the men in that film received from my female friends.
It was clear that an exercise regime was called for to improve my physique. I have learnt some valuable lessons during my physical adventure. It is my duty to share the knowledge I have gained so that you do not fall into the same traps that I did.
Lesson one – donִ overdo it
After a visit to the local sports shop and the purchase of a good pair of trainers I set out jogging. All went well so I started running every night even though my legs were starting to ache. Encouraged by the weight I was losing I pushed myself to pound the streets. Then suddenly I felt something pull in my calf, it was agony. I got home and fortunately I had some cold packs in to place on my calf. However, a calf strain needs rest and my regime was halted because I had pushed it too hard.
Lesson two Рdo be prepared
If you are to embark on exercise make sure you have adequate first aid supplies. Anything can happen especially if you are out of shape and have not exercised in a while (like me!) After my calf experience I decided to get proper physio supplies as well as a good first aid kit. It taught me that anything can happen so like a good scout I got myself prepared.
Lesson three Рdo choose an exercise you enjoy
This sounds obvious but it is strange how many times you hear of people who decide to go jogging and then tell you they hate jogging. After I got over my injury I realised that running was not for me and so I started going swimming. I really enjoy a good swim and I was a good swimmer in my youth and whilst I am not as quick as I was it is a pastime I enjoy. It goes without saying that if you enjoy something you are more likely to do it.
Lesson four Рdonִ give up
It is easy to decide to give up on exercise. The temptations of television and the sofa can be great but donִ let them win. I have a friend who loves running but he has weak ankles. No matter he sticks on his ankle support and off he goes and when he gets home he feels fantastic. Even if you just donִ feel like it if you push yourself you feel so good after exercising that you wonder why you put it off.
So they are my simple lessons. I am not quite like a hero from 300 I do feel a bit of a hero to myself.