Personal trainer and fitness blogger Alexis Fletcher is back once again with more quirky insights into the world of health and fitness. Welcome to’s guide to kettlebell workouts for women.
Polly put the kettle on – and no, I don’t mean the one in the kitchen! Kettebells, originally hailing from Russia, have been used in the health and fitness world since the 1940’s and are fast becoming a mainstay in 21 Century workout wold. Constructed of a solid bell like cast iron and bridging handle, the nature of the apparatus, allows for a host of workout opportunities from strength training, core conditioning, flexibility work and weight loss. The unique design of the kettlebell allows for ballistic, swinging movements which purposely destabilise the core which engages the stabilising muscles for support, thus allowing for greater workout options throughout more or less every exercise.
Kettlebells are therefore a great way to increase strength and core stability without spending hours in the squat rack and using heavy isolated exercises.
Check out my specific tailored 30min circuit below for a full body blast which will help you drop body fat, increase flexibility and tone those hard to reach core areas.
Remember to keep the weight range low, somewhere between the 4-6kg range for upper body work and no more than 8kg for lower body work. Perform 3-4 sets depending on what you can handle (pun intended) and allow 30 – 90s rest in between each set. For best results perform the exercises at random.
Kettlebell Swing
Muscles used: Glutes, quadriceps, back & core
Start with the feet at around a hips width apart, bend the knees and grab the handle with both hands. Swing the bell through legs then thrust the hips forward, squeezing the glutes and straightening the legs throughout the movement. Swing the bell up to chest level, maintaining strong core and swing back down. Repeat 12-15 times.
Kettlebell Squat Row
Muscles used: Glutes, quadriceps, back & core
Stand with the feet hip width apart, the kettlebell close to the chest and the elbows out. Sink into a deep squat, open the knees to the side and row the bell up your body as you return to standing. Squeeze the glutes and maintain core engagement. Repeat 5-8 reps
Kettlebell Press
Muscles used: Shoulders & triceps
With the feet hip width apart hold the kettlebell in a racked position (under the chin and in front of shoulder). With the knees slightly bent, squeeze the glutes and press the kettlebell overhead in one straight line. Keep the elbows tucked and straighten the legs. With your palms facing forward and weight slightly behind head, lower the weight down to the start position and repeat. Complete a set of 5-6 then switch sides.
Kettlebell Row
Muscles used: Biceps & back (then core & legs)
Place your front foot forward and your back foot perpendicular to it. Bend the front knee holding kettlebell in opposite hand. Extend the arm towards the floor and with a flat back rest your other arm on your thigh. Pull the bell up by bringing your elbow behind you, squeezing your back at the top and lowering the bell back to start. Repeat doing 6-8 reps then swap sides.
Kettlebell Deadlift
Muscles used: Hamstrings, glutes, back & core
Place the feet at shoulder width, bend the knees and perform a squat. Keep the neck, spine and back in line and grab the handle of the kettlebell. Starting with your hips behind you and your legs straight, come up to standing, extending your hips and squeezing your glutes. Keep eyes ahead, shoulders back and engage the back. Lower and repeat 6-8 reps.
Kettlebell Twist and Shout
Muscles used: Abdominals and core
Sitting on floor, engage the core muscles and lift the feet off of the floor with the knees bent. Lean back and hold the kettlebell by the horns in front of the chest. Lean back from your hips and slowly rotate the bell to one side of the torso and then the other. Repeat this 15 times on each side. Beware, this is not for the faint of heart. Shout to release some tension!
Perform this routine 3-5 times a week and you’ll be stronger than a little teapot in no time!