Orders & Payments

  • How do I place an order?

  • Placing an order is easy on Physioroom.com. Select your items, add them to the basket, check out as a guest or register, put your delivery and billing address, check out and pay using PayPal, Visa or Mastercard. Alternatively feel free to give us a call and one of our team will help to place your order via the telephone.

  • Can I collect my order?

  • Unfortunately we don’t offer a collection service at the moment. If you need your order urgently, place your order before 4pm, you will have the option for next day delivery where your order will be delivered the next working day. Details about your delivery will be available when placing your order. Please see our opening hours for further information.

  • I am having problems placing an order online

  • We are sorry you are facing problems. if you contact customer services we will be able to help.

  • How can I pay?

  • You can pay either by telephone, bank transfer, credit and debit card (Visa and Mastercard), cheque and PayPal. Please be aware that payment needs to be cleared before goods can be shipped. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept any other payment methods.