• Dislocated Shoulder Exercises

    The exercises that follow provide a rehabilitation programme for an anterior dislocation shoulder injury. The information is intended as a guide and refers to those people who have dislocated their shoulder for the first time. The rate of progression is dependent upon the healing process, which is affected by the age of the patient. It … Read more

    Sudeck’s Atrophy (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome)

    What is it? Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome (RSDS) is relatively common and has been reported to occur after 5% of all traumatic injuries. It may occur following fractures to the extremities, joint sprains or following surgery. It has also been reported following immobilisation and frostbite. It is thought to be caused by a dysfunction of … Read more

    Guillain-Barré Syndrome

    Guillan-Barré syndrome (also known as Landry’s paralysis) is a polyneuropathy – a condition characterised by widespread dysfunction of the peripheral nerves. The condition is thought to be the result of an auto-immune response, where the immune system over reacts and attacks normal body tissue, following a viral infection or an allergy. The peripheral nerve tissue … Read more

    Soccer Injury Epidemiology

    Epidemiology has been defined as “a study of the distribution and determinants of health related states and the application of this study to the control of health problems” (Cherkasski 1991). Although epidemiological research has become more complex and specialised with the accumulation of medical and scientific knowledge, the essence of a good epidemiological study is … Read more

    Repetitive Strain Injuries

    There are many different types of Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI) and these are categorised by the overuse of certain movements and motions. Commonly RSI occurs as a result of an individual undertaking a task typical to them. Be it associated with their occupation, hobby or sport, a repetitive motion can lead to a strain on … Read more

    Surgery and Rehabilitation For ACL Injuries

    Donald Shelbourne pioneered the contralateral ACL reconstruction for torn anterior cruciate ligaments and developed the accelerated ACL reconstruction rehabilitation protocol. Here he outlines the changes that have taken place in the surgical treatment and rehabilitation of ACL injuries over the past 20 years, and explains what the latest thoughts on this injury are today. What … Read more

    The Lumbar Spine in Recurrent ‘Hamstring’ Problems

    John Orchard is a sports physician and sports injury researcher based in Sydney, Australia. He is a Conjoint Senior Lecturer at the University of New South Wales and a Senior Fellow at the University of Melbourne. Dr Orchard is Medical Director for the Sydney Roosters Rugby League Football Club. He is Injury Survey Co-ordinator for … Read more

    Fifth Metatarsal Fractures and Surgery

    Dr Mark S. Myerson, M.D. is the renowned Orthopedic and Medical Director for The Institute for Foot and Ankle Reconstruction at Mercy Medical Center, Baltimore, Maryland. Dr Myerson is one of the world’s foremost experts on foot and ankle reconstruction and injury. He has pioneered surgical techniques that have revolutionized the diagnosis, treatment and recovery … Read more

    Musculo-Tendinous Units

    In a survey of injuries at a professional football club, it was reported that 26.8% of all injuries involved muscles and tendons (Lewin,1989). Muscles and their tendon attachments combine to form what are known as musculo-tendinous units. These musculo-tendinous units provide the force which is necessary for movement. Football is a dynamic sport which requires … Read more