• Dislocated Shoulder Exercises

    The exercises that follow provide a rehabilitation programme for an anterior dislocation shoulder injury. The information is intended as a guide and refers to those people who have dislocated their shoulder for the first time. The rate of progression is dependent upon the healing process, which is affected by the age of the patient. It … Read more

    Broken Collar Bone Rehabilitation

    Throughout the healing process following a collar bone fracture, it is important that the patient maintains the range of movement in the elbow, wrist and hand of the affected limb by going through the movements of these joints every day. Once this has been completed the patient should progress to active abduction (moving the arm … Read more

    Advances in Rehabilitation of the Shoulder – Jo Gibson

    Jo Gibson is a Clinical Physiotherapy Specialist at the Liverpool Upper Limb Unit based at the Royal Liverpool Hospital, UK. She lectures both nationally and internationally about rehabilitation of the shoulder. Her research interests are shoulder instability and motor learning. Jo is currently Squad Physiotherapist for the Great Britain Endurance riding Team. She is the … Read more

    Proximal Humeral Fracture in Depth

    The Injury The Humerus is the upper arm bone between the shoulder and the elbow. The part of the Humerus closest to the shoulder is known as the ‘Proximal Humerus’. The Proximal Humerus or upper arm is a common site for a fracture (accounting for around 5% of all fractures). Fractures to the Proximal Humerus … Read more